First, you should file Articles of Incorporation electronically with the State of New York. Second, you should register a certified agent with a physical mailing address in New York City. Third, you should obtain an Employer Identification number from the Internal Revenue Service.
Common Key Elements to Filling an Articles of Incorporation
Before starting your venture, you should become familiar with the necessary paperwork and other documents. There are many great sources on the internet that will assist you in filling out your Articles of Incorporation Applications. Filing an Articles of Incorporation is a very complex undertaking. You should use the assistance of knowledgeable individuals if you are having difficulties.
First Key Element
When you file an Articles of Incorporation, you must determine whether you have a tax-exempt status. If you are not, you should report to the New York City Revenue Department. You can do it on form EIN-3. If you are of tax-exempt status, all of your business operations and financial transactions are exempt from New York state income taxes. However, there are still some papers that must be filled out. You should contact a certified public accounting firm for assistance with filling out your Articles of Incorporation.
Second Key Element
When you file your Articles of Incorporation, you must provide your physical mailing address and street name. The first name and the street should be the same as the business name. The street name is for the exterior of your business. Your street name is what the IRS uses when they request documentation for your tax-exempt status. Third, when you file your Articles of Incorporation, you have to submit your business’ complete business tax identification number including the tax identification number and your social security number. The social security number is what the government uses when requesting documentation for your tax-exempt status.
Third Key Element
When you file your Articles of Incorporation, you should provide a complete list of all of your officers and the dates of the births and deaths of each of your officers. This information should also include the names and addresses of all of your business owners. You should also provide information on the types of businesses owned and the years of business experience for each of your named officers.
Fourth Key Element
When you file your Articles of Incorporation, you should indicate what type of business you are conducting. The type of business can be either a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. Sole proprietorships are considered the simplest form of business ownership because they only require one person to own and control the business. A partnership, on the other hand, is considered to be a partnership in which more than one person may share ownership of the business.
Fifth Key Element
When you file your Articles of Incorporation, you should ensure that you are completing all of the forms required by your state. Some states require that you submit a printed set of articles of organization and a copy of the articles of association. In addition, there are additional requirements that must be met. One of these requirements is that the business is registered in the business registry of its state. Your state should provide you with a list of business registries or business license directories. You should research each of these methods in order to determine which will work best for you.
Sixth Key Element
If you are not already a US citizen, it is necessary that you attain US citizenship before beginning the process of incorporating your business. Before incorporating a business, it is vital that you are aware of all of the tax-exempt status requirements that are specific to your state. Knowing this information ahead of time will save you time, money, and even valuable legal counsel. A diligent business owner will always be well-represented and will be able to maximize his tax exemption status.
Free Articles of Incorporation Templates
Here you can get some free samples of the Articles of Incorporation Templates from our website.
Articles of Incorporations Template
This template for the Articles of Incorporation is designed for small companies. In this sample, the company will define its purposes and will not perform any illegal activity. Furthermore, the company will have a perpetual existence and have a number of directors according to the needs. In short, you can download this template free of cost in doc format.
Articles of Incorporations Template
This sample of the Articles of Incorporation comes in Word so that you can adjust it according to your needs. It will provide you basics of articles along with instructions and terms.
Articles of Incorporations Template
This is the basic sample of the Articles of Incorporation template. According to this template, you just need to provide the details about your corporation like the organization name, registered office address, and purposes accordingly.